How to Make Nut Milk (Mylk) At Home

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Homemade nut milk (mylk) is not only healthier than store-bought, which may have unwanted additives, preservatives, and sugar, but it is also much less expensive. You can make it with or without sweeteners and in a variety of flavors. You don’t need fancy ingredients or equipment for this either – all you really need is your favorite nuts, water, and a blender or food processor to create a nut pulp. Some people add extra ingredients like dates or avocado to add flavors to their mylk, and we’ll have some suggestions for those at the end of this article.

The easiest way to make mylk is in a blender, so that’s what I’ll explain here. If you want a delicious, foamy head on top, a food processor will work best. The basic steps are the same in either case; just make sure to chop everything up finely before putting it in the processor and blend until smooth and creamy.

Mylk Basics

Mylk is easy to make and delicious to drink
  • Buy raw nuts.
  • Soak the nuts in water overnight (or at least 12 hours).
  • Drain and rinse the soaked nuts.
  • Blend the nuts with fresh water (4c water to 1c nuts).
  • Strain the nut milk.
  • Sweeten, if desired.
  • Chill, drink, enjoy!

Why Should I Make My Own Mylk?

  • Affordable – Mylk is a lot cheaper to make than it is to buy.
  • Plant-based – Since mylk is made from just milk and nuts, it’s an ethical alternative to milk from cows.
  • Nutritious – Many raw nuts contain large amounts of Omega-3 fatty acids, minerals such as zinc, and protein. Some nuts have more nutrients than others, so if you’re optimizing for nutrient density, try comparing different nut options.
  • Versatile – Mylk tastes great with or without sweeteners, and it can be used in smoothies, with cereal, baked into breads, or as a cold, refreshing drink with a meal.

Which Nuts Are Best for Making Mylk?

Raw nuts are best. Roasted nuts are cooked to high temperatures, which can degrade some of the nutrients they contain. Also, most raw nuts have not been treated with chemicals or other preservatives that might otherwise leach into the nut, and therefore into your mylk. Yuck!

Some common nuts for making mylk include:

  • Cashews – creamy and sweet, cashew mylk is a fantastic choice. Cashews are a good source of protein, vitamin K, magnesium, and manganese.
  • Almonds – one of the most common options for mylk, both commercial and homemade, almonds are relatively cheap and packed with nutrients. In particular, almonds are full of vitamin E, which protects cells against damage from oxidation. They also have more protein than many other nuts, making almond mylk a great workout recovery drink!
  • Pecans – a nut commonly used in desserts or to add a smidge of sweetness to salads, pecans make delicious nut mylk. Pecans contain lots of zinc, which supports a healthy immune system, and fiber, which contributes to healthier digestion.
  • Hazelnuts – similar to the other nuts on this list, hazelnuts are loaded with healthy fats, protein, and fiber. Hazelnuts are loaded with compounds that have antioxidant properties, which can help reduce inflation and slow the progression of many chronic diseases.

These are just a few possibilities to get you started, but just about any nut can be turned into a tasty nut mylk. Don’t be afraid to experiment; combinations can provide surprisingly delicious results and an even wider array of nutrients. Go nuts!

How Do I Strain the Mylk?

Some people use towels or other cloths to remove the pulp from their mylk, but there’s actually an easier option. You can buy a bag specifically made for straining the fine particles of blended nuts out of your mylk. If you plan make your own mylk regularly, this is definitely the way to go!

Whether you are new to nut mylk or a mylk-making veteran, we recommend this professional-quality nut mylk bag from Ellie’s Best. It’s BPA free, ultra-strong, and it lasts longer than any other bag we’ve tested. It’s also very easy to clean and won’t grow mold or mildew.

What Can I Do With the Leftover Pulp?

Leftover pulp after straining can be stored and dried for later use. The amount of pulp you have left depends on the consistency of your nut milk. Sometimes it can be stringy, but most of the time it is pretty smooth. Here are some easy things to make with the leftover pulp:

  • Granola – blend leftover pulp with a little honey and a dash of cinnamon.
  • Gluten-Free Bread Crumbs – blend up the pulp in a food processor and dry it in the oven. You can throw these over salads, soups, stews, or even soup.
  • Almond Pulp Crackers – soak the pulp with water, then dehydrate it in the oven or a dehydrator.
  • Chia Pudding – soak dried pulp in water. This is a great source of healthy fats and protein without needing to use whole nuts.
  • Almond Pulp Baked Goods – this is a great way to sneak in some extra protein and really not taste it. You can also use this with other nuts, but almonds work best.

How Long Will My Mylk Last?

It is best to consume nut milk within a few days of making it. You can store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 5 days. If it begins to separate, just shake it up again. Since it’s so easy to make, we like to make new mylk every 2-3 days.

Can I Add Flavors to My Mylk?

Absolutely! In fact, we recommend it. Mylk is great on its own, but experimenting with other flavors ensures you’ll never get sick of the taste. It’s easy to get carried away with the possibilities for mylk flavors. Here are some of our favorites:

Got another favorite recipe? Let us know in the comments below!

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